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Sooviga ettemaksuarveid kasutada, tuleb pöörduda Bauwise’i toe pooleIf you want to use prepayments, you must contact Bauwise support:

Kui ettemaksed pole teie ettevõtte jaoks sisse lülitatud, siis ei ole teie keskkonnas nähtav ja kasutatav allpool kirjeldatud funktsionaalsus.

Ettemaksuarvete toimimise loogika

  1. Ettemaksuarve sisestatakse Bauwise, kas manuaalselt või raamatupidamisprogrammi liidestuse kaudu (vastavalt teie ettevõtte seadistustele ja tööprotsessile). Oluline on, et kulu tüüp oleks Ettemaksuarve:


2. Ettemaksuarve jagatakse projekti nagu tavaline ostuarve.


Ettemaksuarvet on võimalik näha:

  • Moodulist “Finants” lehelt “Kõik arved” :


  • Moodulist “Finants” lehelt “Ettemaksuarved”, kus on näha ainult ettemaksuarved:


  • Projekti vaates jaotusest “Finantskanded”:

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3. Projekti eelarves kuvatakse ettemaksu jääk eraldi tulbana ning see ei mõjuta akteeritud kulusid (need tekivad vaid ostuarvete alusel).


4. Ettemakse tagasiarvestus toimib kahel viisil (sõltuvalt ettevõtte liidese seadistusest):

4.1. ostuarvega sidumine Bauwise’is (ostuarve Bauwise’is menetluse kaudu);

4.2. ostuarvega sidumine läbi finantskannete (tagasiarvestuse tegemine läbi finantskannete) - st. ostuarve ja ettemaksuarve seotakse raamatupidamises. Projektijuht näeb, kuidas raamatupidamine on sidunud, aga ei saa ise muuta.

PS! Ostuarve ja ettemaksuarve seotakse kokku tarnija, projekti tunnuse ja ATV lepingu/töökoodi alusel

5. Kui on ettemaksed lõplikult tagasiarvestatud, siis ettemaksete tulbas on jääk 0€.

PS! Ettemaksed ei mõjuta projekti valmidusastet ega aruandeid.


ATV lepingu kogumaksumus on 5850€.

ATV’le tehti ettemaks summas 50% ehk 2925€

ATV akteerib 20% töid tehk esitab arve summas 1170€.

Ettemaksutagastus antud arvelt arvutatakse proportsionaalselt ehk 20% 2925€-st (ettemaksu kogusummast) = 585€


Ettemaksutagastusele vastavalt väheneb eelarves ka ettemaksu jääk:


Proportsionaalne ettemaksu tagastus on võimalik manuaalselt üle kirjutada, kirjutades soovitud summa lahtrisse “Ettemaksu tagastus”:



If prepayments are not enabled for your business, the functionality described below will not be visible or usable in your environment.

The functioning of prepayments

  1. The prepayment is entered in Bauwise, either manually or through the interface of the accounting program (depending on your company's settings and work process). It is important that the expense type is marked as Prepayment:


2. The prepayment is distributed to the project like a regular purchase invoice.


You can see the prepayment:

  • From the "Finance" module on the "All invoices" page:


  • From the "Finance" module on the "Prepayment" page, where only prepayments are visible:


  • In the project view, from the "Financial entries" section:

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3. In the project budget, the prepayment balance is displayed as a separate column, and it does not affect the actuated costs (they arise only on the basis of purchase invoices).


4. The prepayment return works in two ways (depending on the settings of the company's interface):

4.1. linking to the purchase invoice in Bauwise (purchase invoice through the procedure in Bauwise);

4.2. linking with the purchase invoice through financial entries (making a return through financial entries) - i.e. the purchase invoice and prepayment are linked in accounting. The project manager can see how the accounting is linked, but cannot change it himself.

PS! Purchase invoice and prepayment are linked based on supplier, project ID and ATV contract/work code.

5. If the prepayments have been completely returned, the balance in the advance payments column is €0.

PS! Prepayments do not affect project completion or reports.

For example.

The total cost of the ATV contract is €5,850.

A prepayment of 50% or €2925 was made to ATV

ATV acts 20% of the works, i.e. submits an invoice in the amount of €1170.

Prepayment return on this invoice is calculated proportionally, i.e. 20% of €2925 (total amount of prepayment) = €585


In accordance with the return of the prepayment, the balance of the prepayment in the budget also decreases:


It is possible to overwrite the proportional prepayment return manually by writing the desired amount in the "Prepayment return" box:


The proportional prepayment return calculation applies if the purchase invoice is related to the ATV contract (the total cost of the contract is known). In the case of non-contractual works, the return is always calculated as 100% of the prepayment amount, which the user can change manually if necessary. This is because, in the case of non-contractual work, it is not known whether more than one supplier is involved (e.g. it may be a larger group of works that includes materials from 3 different suppliers, only one of which has been paid in advance.)