The division of the main contract in the act corresponds to the division of the main contract in the view of the subcontractor contract. If you want to change the lines that are displayed on the main contract of the act (e.g., to write out the lines in more detail according to the contract with the subcontractor, this must be done in the subcontractor's contract view).
Lisa ja muudatustööde plokis on võimalik lisada töid klikates nupul "Lisa muudatustöö rida". Seda klikates tekib akti lisa- ja muudatustööde moodulisse uus rida:
See rida on vaja täita:
Lisatud rida tekib akti kinnitamise järgselt automaatselt ka ATV lepingu vaatesse ja eelarve kulusse.
4. Mahaarvamised
5. Tagatised
Additional and modification works
In the additional and modification jobs block, you can add jobs by clicking on the "Add modification line" button. By clicking on it, a new line will appear in the additional and modification works module of the act:
This line needs to be filled in:
The added line will also appear automatically in the subcontractor's contract view and in the budget expense after the approval of the act.
4. Deductions
5. Guarantees