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All payment applications related to the project can be seen in the project payment applications module.


Opened by the Contractor - The payment application is opened by the Contractor.

Approved Confirmed by the Contractor - The payment application has been approved confirmed by the Contractor.

Reviewed by the site manager - The payment application has been approved confirmed by the site manager.

Finally approvedconfirmed - In addition to the Contractor's approvalconfirmation, the payment application also has the Project Manager's approvalconfirmation.

Signing - The payment act application is signed by one party.

Signed - The payment act application is signed by both parties.


Date of the payment application - The date of submission of the payment application.

Start date - Akteeritava perioodi alguskuupäev.

End date - Akteerida perioodi lõppkuupäev.

Subcontractor budget - alltöövõtja lepingu maksumus.

Varem akteeritud - Varasemate aktidega akteeritud maht.

Akteerida jooksval perioodil - Jooksval perioodil akteeritav maht.

Outstanding budget - Akteerida jääv summa pärast käesoleva akti aktsepteerimist.

Status - Status of the payment application, explanations in the previous table.
