Initiation of acting by the project manager
Subcontractor view and activities
Actions of the project manager after approval confirmation by subcontractor
1. Initiation of acting by the project manager
6. When the Subcontractor has reviewed the act, made the desired corrections, he presses the "Approve actConfirm payment application" button. After approvalconfirmation, the Project Manager receives a notification that the Subcontractor has approved confirmation the act.
3. Project Manager's actions after subcontractor's
In the project manager's view, all changes made by the subcontractor are marked in color, comments are also visible. The added amendment line is red:
3. Kui ka ülejäänud muudatused on sobilikud, siis Projektijuht vajutab nuppu "Kinnita akt" ning akti menetlus on lõppenud. Sellekohane automaatne email läheb alltöövõtja poole teele koos PDF aktiga. Soovi korral on võimalik Bauwise keskkonnas arve digiallkirjastada. If the other changes are also suitable, the Project Manager presses the button "Approve Confirm the act" and the procedure of the act is finished. An automatic email about this is sent to the subcontractor along with a PDF act. If desired, it is possible to digitally sign the invoice in the Bauwise environment.