5. Since the document was completed in advance by the project manager, the subcontractor's completed form looks orange. The contractor has the opportunity to make his own amendment by overwriting these numbers, or to add a completely new amendment change order to the payment application (by pressing the "Add amendment change order line" button). You can also add comments.
In the project manager's view, all changes made by the subcontractor are marked in color, comments are also visible. The added amendment change order line is red:
2. If the project manager accepts the amendmentchange order, he has to select a work code for this amendmentchange order, where this cost goes:
3. Kui ka ülejäänud muudatused on sobilikud, siis Projektijuht vajutab nuppu "Kinnita akt" ning akti menetlus on lõppenud. Sellekohane automaatne email läheb alltöövõtja poole teele koos PDF aktiga. Soovi korral on võimalik Bauwise keskkonnas arve digiallkirjastada. If the other changes are also suitable, the Project Manager presses the button "Confirm the payment application" and the procedure of the payment application is finished. An automatic email about this is sent to the subcontractor along with a PDF of the payment application. If desired, it is possible to digitally sign the invoice in the Bauwise environment.