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Eelarvet sisestades tuleb esmalt määrata tulu arvestuse loogika:

  1. “Tellija leping, esialgne” maksumus sisestatakse ühe numbrina (punases ringis käsitsi sisestatud Tellija lepingu maksumus, sinises ringis ehituseelarve/otsekulude maksumus):

    Image Removed
  2. Tellija lepingu maksumus tuleneb eelarvest, iga kulurea taga on kirjeldatud nii ehituseelarve/otsekulu maksumus, kui Tellija maksumus. Selliseks arvestuseks tuleb panna linnuke kasti "Arvuta lepingu maksumus eelarvest". Punases ringis Tellija lepingu maksumus, sinises ringis ehituseelarve/otsekulude maksumus.

  3. Kui Lepingul puudub tulu, märgi linnuke lahtrisse "Sellel projektil puudub tulu". Impordi otsekulu eelarve (sinises kastis ehituseelarve/otsekulude maksumus).

Impordi protsessi kirjeldus:

Bauwise’i impordi tabelis on näha veerud, mida on vaja Bauwise keskkonda andmete impordiks. Alloleva näite puhul on vajalikud veerud loetlemise järjekorras: kulukoht, nimetus, ühik, kogus, ühiku hind, eelarve, tellija leping (esialgne):


Kui eelarve failis ei ole näiteks “Ühiku hinda” või pole vaja importida “Tellija lepingu (esialgne)” maksumust, saab need veerud Bauwise’is ära peita, avades alloleval kuvatõmmisel punase ringiga tähistatud nupust veergude valiku ja eemaldes veeru nimetuse eest linnukese.


Eelarve nummerdamise näidis:


Lepingute soovituslik numeratsioon Exceli fail.

NB! Kui on üle kümne alamrea, siis tuleb kasutada kahte lisanumbrit ehk 152 peatüki alamrida on 15211. Põhjus: vastasel juhul jõuame loendiga numbrini 1531, mis kuulub järgmise peatüki 153 alla.

Eelarve importimiseks tee eelarve aktiivseks ja kopeeri see (NB! Eelnevalt olen peitnud impordiks mittevajalikud read/veerud):


Seejärel kleebi see lahtrisse "Kulukoht":


Kui sisestame konkreetse projekti eelarvet, siis toimub automaatselt ridade sorteerimine ja grupeerimine vastavalt varem etteantud struktuuri järgi. Kui aga üldist struktuuri ei ole, siis ei ole ka vahepealseid summeerivaid ridu ja kõik eelarve read lähevad ühe jaotuse alla ehk ei teki liigendatust (nn pearead ja alamread).

Pärast importi teostan kontrolli, et otsekulu eelarve ja Tellija leping vastaksid eelarvestatule (kontrollnumbritel ring ümber). Kui numbrid klapivad on eelarve edukalt imporditud.


Eelarve struktuuri võib sisestada ka käsitsi.

Hiljem võib eelarve struktuuri ridu juurde lisada. Uus töö (kulukoht) lisatakse automaatselt struktuuris õigesse jaotusse arvestades töö koodi.

Ridu saab kustutada klikkides rea peale ja hiire paremklikiga valides avanevast menüüst käsu „Delete Row(s)”.

Impordi vaates on paremas ülanurgas punane nupp “Kustuta kogu eelarve”, millega saab eelarve kustutada juhul, kui imporditud ridu ei kleebitud õigesti. Kuid arvestama peab, et see nupp kustutab eelarve jäädavalt ja kogu eelarve peab alati uuesti importima.

Nupult “Tagasi” saab pärast importimist liikuda eelarve vaate juurde.

Impordi vaatesse saab liikuda nupult “Redigeeri eelarvetWhen entering the budget, the revenue calculation logic must first be determined:

  1. The "Client's contract, initial" cost is entered as a single number (the cost of the Client's contract manually entered in the red circle, the cost of the construction budget/direct costs in the blue circle):

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  2. The cost of the customer's contract is derived from the budget, both the cost of the construction budget/direct cost and the customer's cost are described behind each cost line. For this kind of calculation, you have to check the box "Calculate the cost of the contract from the budget". In the red circle, the cost of the customer's contract, in the blue circle, the cost of the construction budget/direct costs.

  3. If the Agreement has no income, check the box "This project has no income". Import direct cost budget (construction budget/direct cost cost in the blue box).

Description of the import process:

The Bauwise import table shows the columns needed to import data into the Bauwise environment. In the example below, the required columns are in the order of listing: cost location, name, unit, quantity, unit price, budget, customer contract (initial):


If, for example, there is no "Unit price" in the budget file or there is no need to import the cost of "Customer's contract (initial)", these columns can be hidden in Bauwise by opening the selection of columns from the button marked with a red circle in the screenshot below and removing the check mark from the column name.


Example of budget numbering:


Recommended numbering of contracts - Excel fail.

If there are more than ten sub-lines, two additional numbers must be used, i.e. the sub-line of chapter 152 is 15211. Reason: otherwise, the list will reach number 1531, which belongs to the next chapter 153.

To import the budget, make the budget active and copy it (Previously I have hidden rows/columns not needed for import):


Then paste it in the "Cost location" box:


If we enter the budget of a specific project, the rows are automatically sorted and grouped according to the previously specified structure. However, if there is no overall structure, then there are no intermediate summing lines and all budget lines go under one division, i.e. there is no disaggregation (so-called main lines and sub-lines).

After the import, I check that the direct cost budget and the Customer's contract correspond to what was budgeted (the control numbers are circled). If the numbers match, the budget has been successfully imported.


The budget structure can also be entered manually.

Later, more lines can be added to the budget structure. The new job (cost location) is automatically added to the correct division in the structure, taking into account the job code.

Rows can be deleted by clicking on the row and selecting "Delete Row(s)" from the menu that opens with the right mouse button.

In the import view, in the upper right corner, there is a red button "Delete entire budget", which can be used to delete the budget if the imported lines were not pasted correctly. However, it should be noted that this button deletes the budget permanently, and the entire budget must always be re-imported.

After importing, you can use the "Back" button to go to the budget view.

You can go to the import view from the "Edit budget" button:
