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  1. Initiation of


  1. payment application by the project manager

  2. Subcontractor view and activities

  3. Actions of the project manager after


  1. confirmation by subcontractor

1. Initiation of


payment applications by the project manager

The acting payment application process at Bauwise looks like this:

  1. The first


  1. payment application in each contract must always be drawn up by the project manager himself. To do this, you need to go to the budget view in the project and open the corresponding subcontract where you want to prepare the


  1. payment application:


2. Then you need to open the "ActsPayment applications" module (Explanations and setting information for the view of the act payment application list can be found here:


3. Next press the button "Create actpayment application"


4. The act payment application view opens (description and explanations of the act payment application view can be found here:

5. The project manager can either fill out the contents of the act payment application in advance or send it to the subcontractor in an unfilled form. In this example, we fill out the act payment application ourselves. To send out the actpayment application, you need to press the button "Send act payment application to subcontractor".


6. In the window that opens next, you need to add the subcontractor's contact information:

It is also possible to send the act payment application as a one-time link (by checking the box "Send a link to the user"), but in this case you have to prepare and send the act payment application yourself each time. In this case, the subcontractor does not have the opportunity to submit the act payment application himself.


7. By entering the subcontractor's e-mail address, the system checks if such a person is already registered. If not, the person must be registered by pressing the "Add new email" button:


8. Bauwise generates an automatic letter, the content of which can be corrected in the opening view. By pressing the "Send email" button, the Bauwise login details and a notification about the preparation of the document will be sent to the added contact.


2. Subcontractor view and activities

  1. The subcontractor receives the user credentials from e-mail:


2. When logging into the system, a view opens where the subcontractor must press the "My actspayment applications" button:


3. Now he has the option to "Create a new actpayment application" and "Open actpayment application" at Act Payment application number 01. If the old act payment application is unconfirmed, a new act payment application cannot be created.


4. Therefore, only Act Payment application 01 can be opened at the moment:


5. Since the document was completed in advance by the project manager, the subcontractor's completed form looks orange. The contractor has the opportunity to make his own amendment by overwriting these numbers, or to add a completely new amendment change order to the act payment application (by pressing the "Add amendment change order line" button). You can also add comments.

The subcontractor never sees job work codes, he only sees the names!


6. When the Subcontractor has reviewed the actpayment application, made the desired corrections, he presses the "Approve actConfirm payment application" button. After approvalconfirmation, the Project Manager receives a notification that the Subcontractor has approved confirmed the actpayment application.


3. Project Manager's actions after subcontractor's



  1. In the project manager's view, all changes made by the subcontractor are marked in color, comments are also visible. The added


  1. change order line is red:


2. If the project manager accepts the amendmentchange order, he has to select a job work code for this amendmentchange order, where this cost goes:


3. Kui ka ülejäänud muudatused on sobilikud, siis Projektijuht vajutab nuppu "Kinnita akt" ning akti menetlus on lõppenud. Sellekohane automaatne email läheb alltöövõtja poole teele koos PDF aktiga. Soovi korral on võimalik Bauwise keskkonnas arve digiallkirjastada. If the other changes are also suitable, the Project Manager presses the button "Approve Confirm the actpayment application" and the procedure of the act payment application is finished. An automatic email about this is sent to the subcontractor along with a PDF actof the payment application. If desired, it is possible to digitally sign the invoice in the Bauwise environment.


4. If the content of the act payment application is not suitable, the Project Manager presses the button "Change the actpayment application" and the whole process starts over. The act payment application is changed until an agreement is reached.


Järgmise akti menetlust saab Alltöövõtja nüüd juba ise alustada, kuna tal on kasutajatunnused olemas. Saates välja vaid akti lingi seda võimalust pole! The Subcontractor can now start the procedure of the next act payment application himself, since he has the user credentials. By sending only a link to the actpayment application, this is not possible!

All additional work added during the act payment application process is now visible in the subcontractor's contract view, and the costs are visible in the budget:
