Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Profit estimate - the difference between the customer's contracted cost and the cost estimate. When entering the budget, the cost estimate is equated with the initial budget.

Actuated Actual profit - The difference between Actuated Actual income and Actuated Actual cost.

ATV Subcontractor budget - Shows the extent to which ATV contracts subcontracts have been signed. The stock in the same box shows the aggregate volume of stocks, the correction shows the aggregate volume of corrections. Both are included in the cost estimate.

Readiness - Shows the financial readiness of the project. If the cost estimate is EUR 100,000€ 000 and EUR 10,000€ 000 has been incurred, the readiness is 10%.


In the example below, job no. 0111 is related to contract no. 001 “Design works” in the amount of 500€EUR 500, while under the unsigned contracts, another 4900€ EUR 4900 has not been entered into the contracts.


  • Hide shared lines - Hides all lines whose budget is 100% shared.

  • Show shared lines - Also displays those budget lines with 100% shared budget.

  • Hide by actuated actual months - Hides actuated actual expenses by month and shows only the total actuated actual amount.

  • Kuva akteeritud kuude lõikes - Näitab välja tööreale tehtud akteerimised kuude kaupa. Show by actuated actual months - Shows the acts payment applications performed on the job line by month.

  • Hide non-budgeted purchase orders - Hides non-budgeted purchase orders.

  • Show all purchase orders - Shows all purchase orders.


Comment - Allows you to add comments to jobcodesjob codes/contracts.

Tags Labels - Allows you to add tags labels to job codes/contracts, on the basis of which it is possible to sort out the desired jobs/contracts.


Initial Customer Agreement - The cost of the initial Customer Agreement (sale price). The cost can only be seen if the budget has been imported in such a way that the cost of the Customer's contract, i.e. the sales price, is shown in each line of work line. If this has not been done, then the given line is 0€EUR 0.

Actual Unit - The actual budgeted unit of work.


Subcontractor- The name of the subcontractor who performs the work.

Unit price of ATV subcontract - The cost of the unit price according to the subcontracting contract line of the work line.

ATV eelarve - Töörea alltöövõtulepingujärgne maksumus.

ATV lisatööd - Töörea lisatööde maksumus, mis Alltöövõtjale tasutakse lisaks lepingujärgsele ehk "ATV eelarve" maksumusele.

ATV eelarve kokku- "ATV eealarve" + "ATV lisatöd".

Mahaarvamised - Mahaarvamised Alltöövõtja lepingulistest töödest (näiteks ATV-le ostetud materjal).

Varu- Tööde reservmaksumus. Lahtrisse kirjutatav summa lisatakse kuluprognoosile. Kui kulu saab faktiliseks ja selle suurus on teada, kirjeldatakse see kulu kas aktis või siis korrektsiooni lahtris ning varu nullitakse.

Korrektsioon - Kuluprognoosi muutmiseks kasutatav lahter, kui ei rakendata akteerimist. Lahtrisse kirjutatava summa võrra muutub kuluprognoos. Iga muudatusega on kommentaar nõutav. Kommentaaris kirjeldada kuluprognoosi muudatuse põhjus.

Kuluprognoos- Eelarve sisestamise järgselt on kuluprognoos võrdne otsekulu/eesmärkeelarvega. Kui tööle sõlmitakse leping võrdsustatakse kuluprognoosi lahter "ATV eelarve" lahtris oleva summaga. Kuluprognoosi on võimalik muuta lahtritega "varu" ja "korrektsioon" või siis kirjutada otse kuluprognoosi lahtrisse soovitud summa (sellisel juhul ilmub korrektsiooni lahtrisse maksumus, mille võrra kuluprognoos muutus).

Varasem kuluprognoos - Varasem kuluprognoos näitab eelmist, viimase muudatuse eelset, kuluprognoosi.

Prognoosi muutus eelmise kuuga - Kuluprognoosi muutus võrreldes eelmise kuuga. Kui augusti kuus muudetakse töö rea maksumust, siis võrdlus käib juuli kuuga.

Prognoosi muutus - Kuluprognoosi muutus võrreldes esialgse eelarvega. Kui number on punane, siis kuluprognoos ületab selle summa võrra esialgset eelarvet (teenitakse kahjumit). Kui number on roheline, siis kuluprognoos on selle numbri võrra esialgsest eelarvest väiksem (teenitakse kasumist).

Valmidusaste, % - Võimalik määrata käsitsi töölõigu üldine valmidusaste.

Valmidus mahu järgi - Võimalik määrata käsitsi töölõigu valmidusaste mahu järgi.

Valmidus rahas - Arvutab rahalise valmiduse korrutades "Valmidusaste, %" kuluprognoosi maksumusega. Ehk kui töö maksab 100 000 EUR ja "Valmidusaste, %" on määratud 80%, siis töö valmidus rahas on 80 000 EUR.

Valmidus % (arvutatud) - Arvutab töölõigu valmiduse tehtega akteeritud kulu/kuluprognooos. Ehk kui töö maksab 100 000 EUR ja akteeritud kulusid on 10 000 EUR, siis valmidus on 10%.

Varem akteeritud kulu - Näitab, kui palju on eelnevatel kuudel (jooksev kuu on välja jäetud) kulusid sellele tööreale kantud.

Varasemalt akteeritud kogus - Näitab, kui palju on eelnevatel kuudel (jooksev kuu on välja jäetud) koguseliselt sellele tööreale mahtu kantud.

Akteeritud kogus jooksval kuul - Näitab, kui palju on koguseliselt jooksval kuul sellele tööreale mahtu kantud.

Akteeritud kulud jooksval kuul - Näitab, kui palju kulusid on jooksval kuul sellele tööreale kantud.

Akteeritud kulud - Näitab, mis summas on kulusid sellele reale kantud. NB! Kui kulud on peal, muutub number siniseks ja on hiireklõpsuga avatav. Nähtavale tulevad kõik kulud, mis on sellele reale kantud. Kulude loetelus arve numbri peale vajutades ilmub arve nähtavale. NB!NB! Ainult sellisel juhul, kui arveid kinnitatakse Bauwise keskkonnas. Vastasel juhul on näha vaid finantskanded ja neid avada pole võimalik.

Akteeritud koguseliselt - Näitab kui palju on koguseliselt seda töörida akteeritud.

Akteeritud lepinguta kulud - Kui lubatakse "sõlmimata lepingute" alla kulusid kanda, siis see rida näitab, kui suures summas on sellele tööreale lepingute kulusid peale kantud.

Akteerimata kulu jääk - Teostab tehte "kuluprognoos" - "akteeritud kulud" ehk näitab kui palju on võimalik sellele reale veel kulusid kanda ületamata kuluprognoosi.

Ehituseelarve (muudatustega)-Kuluprognoos - Teostatakse tehe ehituseelarve (muudatustega) - kuluprognoos ehk on nähtav selle töörea rahaline tulemus vastu ehituseelarvet (muudatustega).

Esialgne eelarve-Kuluprognoos - Teostatakse tehe esialgne eelarve - kuluprgnoos ehk on nähtav selle töörea rahaline tulemus vastu esialgset eelarvet.

Bruto m2 hind - Kui on defineeritud projekti bruto m2 maht, siis see lahter näitab töörea maksumust bruto m2 kohta.

Neto m2 price - Kui on defineeritud projekti neto m2 maht, siis see lahter näitab töörea maksumust neto m2 kohta.

Projektile objekti ehk alamprojekti lisamine

Projektile uue objekti ehk osa (alamprojekti) lisamiseks tuleb klikkida objekti nime tab'i kõrval oleval pliiatsikujulisel nupul “Lisa alamprojekt”:


Nupult “Lisa uus alamprojekt” saab lisada uue alamprojekti, kuhu saab hiljem uue eelarve importida:


Alamprojektide tabelis saab muuta loodud objekti nimetust, numbrit, tüüpi ning alamprojektide järjekorda muuta (lohistades rida nimetuse ees olevast “hamburgerist”). Samas saab ka objekti muutmise vastu lukku panna ning kustutada.

Alamprojekte kasutatakse nt juhul, kui ehitatakse suuremat objekti, millel on mitmeid hooneid ja siis saab teha igale hoonele oma eelarve.

Lepingute ja töökoodide avamine

Klikates rohelisel kaustakesel (kuvatõmmisel roheline ring ümber) veerus "tegevused" avaneb alltöövõtulepingu vaade.

Klikates valgel kaustakesel (kuvatõmmisel sinised ringid ümber) veerus "tegevused" avaneb töökoodipõhine vaadeSubcontractor budget - The cost according to the subcontracting line of work.

Subcontractor additional work - The cost of the additional work of the line of work, which is paid to the Subcontractor in addition to the contractual or "Subcontract budget" cost.

Total subcontractor budget - "subcontractor budget" + "subcontractor additional work".

Deductions - Deductions from subcontractor's contracted work (for example, material purchased for subcontractor).

Reserve - Reserve cost of works. The amount entered in the box is added to the cost estimate. If the cost becomes actual and its amount is known, this cost is described either in the payment application or in the correction cell and the reserve is nulled.

Correction - Cell used to change the cost estimate if no payment application is applied. The cost estimate changes by the amount entered in the box. A comment is required with each change. In the comment, describe the reason for the change in the cost estimate.

Cost estimate- After entering the budget, the cost estimate is equal to the direct cost/target budget. When a contract is signed for the work, the cost estimate cell is equal to the amount in the "subcontractor budget" cell. It is possible to change the cost estimate with the "reserve" and "correction" cells, or write the desired amount directly in the cost estimate cell (in this case, the cost by which the cost estimate changed will appear in the correction cell).

Previous cost estimate - The previous cost estimate shows the cost estimate before the last change.

Estimate change from last month - Cost estimate change compared to last month. If the cost in a line of work is changed in August, the comparison is made with July.

Change in estimate - A change in the cost estimate compared to the original budget. If the number is red, the cost estimate exceeds the initial budget by this amount (a loss is earned). If the number is green, the cost estimate is lower than the initial budget by this number (a profit is earned).

Degree of completion, % - It is possible to set the general degree of completion of the work section manually.

Completion by volume - It is possible to manually determine the degree of completion of the work section by volume.

Completion by money - Calculates the financial readiness by multiplying "Degree of Readiness, %" by the cost of the cost estimate. In other words, if the work costs EUR 100,000 and the "Degree of completion, %" is set to 80%, then the completion of the work in money is EUR 80,000.

Completion % (calculated) - Calculates the actual cost/cost estimate of the work section's readiness. In other words, if the work costs EUR 100,000 and the actual costs are EUR 10,000, the readiness is 10%.

Previously actual cost - Shows how much costs have been applied to this line of work in previous months (the current month is excluded).

Previously activated quantity - Shows how much has been quantitatively transferred to this line of work in previous months (the current month is excluded).

Actual quantity in the current month - Shows how much has been transferred to this line of work in quantity in the current month.

Actual costs in the current month - Shows how many costs have been applied to this line of work in the current month.

Actual costs - Shows the amount of costs that have been applied to this line. When the costs are on, the number turns blue and can be opened with a mouse click. All costs entered on this line will be visible. By clicking on the invoice number in the list of expenses, the invoice will be visible. Only if the invoices are confirmed in the Bauwise environment. Otherwise, only financial entries are visible and cannot be opened.

Actual quantity - Shows how much in quantity line of work has been actuated.

Actual non-contract costs - If costs are allowed to be transferred under "unsigned contracts", this line shows how much contract costs have been applied to this line of work.

Non-actual cost balance - Executes the "cost estimate" - "actual costs" operation, i.e. shows how much it is possible to transfer costs to this line without exceeding the cost estimate.

Construction budget (with changes)- Cost estimate - The construction budget (with changes) of the work is performed - the cost estimate, i.e. the financial result of this line of work against the construction budget (with changes) is visible.

Preliminary budget - Cost estimate - The preliminary budget of the work is performed - the cost estimate, i.e. the financial result of this line of work against the preliminary budget is visible.

Gross m2 price - If the gross m2 volume of the project is defined, this cell shows the cost of the work line per gross m2.

Net m2 price - If the net m2 volume of the project is defined, this cell shows the cost of the work line per net m2.

Adding an object or subproject to the project

To add a new object or part (subproject) to the project, click on the pencil-shaped button "Add subproject" next to the object name tab:


From the "Add new subproject" button, you can add a new subproject to which you can later import a new budget:


In the table of sub-projects, you can change the name, number, type of the created object and change the order of sub-projects (by dragging a line from the "hamburger" in front of the name). However, the object can also be locked against modification and deleted.

Sub-projects are used, for example, if a larger object with several buildings is built and then each building can have its own budget.

Opening contracts and job codes

By clicking on the green folder (green circle on the screenshot) in the "activities" column, the subcontract view opens.

Clicking on the white folder (blue circles around it in the screenshot) in the "activities" column opens a work code-based view.
