All payment applications related to the project can be seen in the project payment applications module.
The following columns are displayed in the list of payment applications:
Contract Commitment - Bauwise contract number. Clicking on it opens the contract view.
Payment application Application number - Payment application number. Clicking on it opens the file.
Subcontractor Contractor - Name of the subcontractor.
Date of the payment application Application date - The date of submission of the payment application.
Start date Period start - Akteeritava perioodi alguskuupäev.
End date Period end - Akteerida perioodi lõppkuupäev.
Subcontractor Commited budget - alltöövõtja Alltöövõtja lepingu maksumus.
Varem akteeritud - Varasemate aktidega akteeritud maht.
Akteerida jooksval perioodil - Jooksval perioodil akteeritav maht.
Outstanding budget - Akteerida jääv summa pärast käesoleva akti aktsepteerimist.
Status - Status of the payment application, explanations in the previous table.