The payment application consists of the following blocks:
Header - General information about the payment application.
Main contract - Contractual works.
Change order works - Change order works performed by the contractor. Sanctions, revisions of work volumes, etc., which affect the price of the work line, should also be added to this block.
Deductions - Deductions for services provided by the customer. For example, purchasing materials, ordering a surveyor, partial execution of works on behalf of the Subcontractor, etc. These lines do not reduce the cost of the work line, these costs are entered on the same work line as invoices from other suppliers.
Guarantees - This block deals with guarantees.
Comments - Here, company insiders who see the documents can leave additional comments about the payment application.
The name of the company with whom this payment application is prepared. In this case, Bauwise LLC (circled in red). | ||||||||||||||||
Name and description of the project, Name of the project manager. In this case, 001 Test project, Design works, Admin SB (in black circle). | ||||||||||||||||
Payment application number, date and period. In this case, Payment application 01 with the date 15.08.2021 and the period 01.08.2021 - 31.08.2021 (circled in blue). | ||||||||||||||||
Numerical description of the content of the payment application and contract (in yellow circle). | ||||||||||||||||
Payment application status (in green circle). For status explanations, see the following table below. | ||||||||||||||||
Time information of payment application confirmations/openings (circled in orange). | ||||||||||||||||
Numerical aggregate information of payment application(s) (in purple circle). | ||||||||||||||||
Buttons for sending and confirming the payment application, deleting (if rights are granted) and printing (in the brown circle). |
The division of the main contract in the payment application corresponds to the division of the main contract in the view of the subcontractor contract. If you want to change the lines that are displayed on the main contract of the payment application (e.g., to write out the lines in more detail according to the contract with the subcontractor, this must be done in the subcontractor's contract view).
In the change order works block, you can add works by clicking on the "Add change order line" button. By clicking on it, a new line will appear in the change order works module of the payment application:
This line needs to be filled in:
The added line will also appear automatically in the subcontractor's contract view and in the budget expense after the confirmation of the payment application.