To confirm invoices, you must first go to the purchase invoices module. To do this, click on Finance -> "Purchase invoices" in the menu.
Initially, the status of the new invoice is "Awaiting approval". To share/confirm the invoice, you must first click on the invoice number.
To confirm the invoice, select the project to which you want to transfer this cost from the drop-down menu. Only those projects with which the person is connected appear in the drop-down menu. In this case, the only project is "Test project":
Next, the budget of the selected project opens. Depending on the settings, we display:
a) The entire budget
b) Only lines related to contracts
c) Only those lines related to contracts where the same company that submitted the invoice is marked as Subcontractor.
For this example, we display the entire budget.
In the "Amount" column (in the red circle) you must enter the amount that you want to transfer to this line. At the top of the header, you can see the Net amount, Divided amount and Undivided amount of the invoice (in the blue box). The invoice and attachment are visible on the right (grey box).
You can select the columns displayed in the table by clicking on the column selection button (in the black box).
You can see two buttons in the yellow circle: “Manual sharing” and “Acts”. In the event that Bauwise actuation is used, it is possible to link the invoice and the act together, and the distribution of costs is done automatically.
If the invoice is shared (The amount is to be transferred to the work code in the "Amount" column), then the Undivided amount must be 0 at the top (in the blue box). After sharing, it is possible to immediately see the balance of the budget (last column).
Next, press the "Close" button and the divided lines will be visible in the invoice view.
If it is necessary to share the invoice between several projects, then you should now select the next project from the selection of projects (drop-down menu: Select project) and carry out the same sharing process. If the undivided amount is 0, press the green "Confirm" button (in the green box).
After dividing the invoice into lines:
If the invoice is addressed to multiple project managers, each project manager will share their share and then press the blue "Confirm my share" button (in the blue box).
If the user is the last approver or the final Approver, he has the opportunity and obligation to press the green "Confirm" button.
If it happens that there is no invoice for you to share, you should immediately press the red button "Not my invoice" (in the black box).
The "Super Confirm" and "Super Unapprove" buttons are visible only to administrators, not to regular users.
Kui arve kinnitus maha võeti nupuga “Super Unapprove", siis selle arvega seotud kuluread kustutatakse eelarvest (või kui arve info saadetakse kinnitamise korral liidestuse kaudu raamatupidamisse, siis üldjuhul kinnituse mahavõtmine sinna ei liigu ja seega jääb arve raamatupidamisse üles). If the invoice confirmation was withdrawn using the "Super Unapprove" button, then the expense lines related to this invoice are deleted from the budget (or if the invoice information is sent to accounting through the interface when approved, then generally, the removal of the approval does not go there and thus the invoice remains in accounting).
By pressing one of these confirmation buttons, the invoice view closes and a summary view of the invoices appears. The background of the approver's initials is green instead of the previous light color. If "Not my invoice" had been pressed, the background of the initials would be red. The invoice status is now confirmed.
Approving multiple invoices at once
By ticking several invoices in the invoice list, they can all be approved at once.
Shared costs in the budget
When opening the budget view, the expenses divided under "Actuated expenses" are visible:
Depending on the interface, it is sometimes the case that the costs appear only after the invoice has been approved by the accountant, that is, as a rule, by the next working day.
If I now click on an underlined number in the "Actuated expenses" column, a list of expenses will open in a pop-up window:
Ja kui vajutada seal aknas arve numbril, siis avaneb arve koos jagamise infoga: If you click on the invoice number in the window, the invoice will open with sharing information: